Active Industry Project Fund

Active Industry Project Fund is an exciting initiative to come out of the Activate! Queensland 2019 – 2029 strategy.

Rounds 1 and 2 of the Active Industry Project Fund provided competitive grant funding to Queensland active industry organisations operating in Queensland, to increase participation opportunities and to build the capacity and capability of the sport and active recreation workforce in Queensland.

Super round key dates

Round opens   7 February 2024
Round closes 1 March 2024 at 5pm (AEST)
Successful projects announced June 2024
Projects can commence July 2024
Projects to be completedJune 2026

Who can apply?

In order to apply for funding your organisation must:

  • have a registered ABN; and
  • operate as a not-for-profit organisation in Queensland and be incorporated under the:
    • Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Queensland)
    • Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth)
    • Co-operatives National Law Act 2020
    • Corporations (Aboriginal & Torres Strait) Act 2006 (Commonwealth); and
  • at time of program close:
    • have no more than 1 annual report outstanding with Office of Fair Trading
    • have met all obligations for any projects funded by the department; and
    • have no debt owing to the department.

Funding categories

Eligible organisations can apply for a minimum of $20,000 to a maximum of $100,000 (total over 2 years) in one category or across both categories. If applying across both categories, organisations must make two applications (one for each category) and ensure the total funding amount requested does not exceed $100,000.

Funding of $5.024 million (GST exclusive) is available, over two financial years under 2 categories:

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Deliver State/National Championships in a regional or remote location outside of South East Queensland
  • Engage high-performance professionals to deliver training/development opportunities, including for regional athletes, people with a disability and First Nations people.
  • Deliver talent identification/testing programs that link to established pathways.

More information

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